
︎art for me is:

Artwork, for me, is the recollection of my innermost musings, and their translation into figures and gestures that encrypt  complex messages, like stories, feelings, and so on, depicted metaphorically and with a childlike appeal.  My current practice focuses on pop-surreal medium format painting. My style is, at a first glance, childish- however, a closer look and further observation might reveal an invitation to explore underlying narratives in each one of my pieces. The painting process begins long before I even attempt the painting itself. I draft, in my mind, an image that stems from a reinterpretation of a given event or series of events. Allegories spark and collect themselves in my head, and consequently onto the canvas. the drive behind my creative efforts is a personal necessity to explore feelings and emotions, which I find have their best processing from the perspective of a child, and is represented in the style and recurring motifs I choose to depict. ︎︎︎

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